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The Best Web Browsers for Business: Chrome vs. Safari vs. Edge vs. Firefox

Paul Hager
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What was once something people had little control over in the old days of computing is now something tech users can choose from with various options: web browsers. Personal computing aside, out of all the options out there, which are the best web browsers for business?

We’re going to take a look at the heavy hitters, in no particular order: Chrome vs. Safari vs. Edge vs. Firefox.

Google Chrome

Chrome is Google’s browser, making it about as abundant as Google’s many other products. In fact, that’s one of its advantages — quick and easy integration with other Google products and features. Chrome also offers a wide array of extensions that can be easily downloaded and used with the browser, with easy shortcuts right there in the browser window itself.

Third parties have lauded Chrome for its speed and customizability, but have also given it negative marks for its heavy use of system resources. Still, it remains a major browser with an easy-to-use interface and the biggest search engine integrated right into it by default, and it’s no slouch when it comes to security, making it an ideal choice for businesses.

Apple Safari

Apple’s Safari is the default browser on Apple products, and indeed it’s a great browser for Apple users. That said, if you’re not on an Apple device, you’re out of luck with Safari. There are ways you may be able to technically run Safari on some Windows devices, but you won’t be getting support, so it’s not at all advised.

Still, if your business uses Apple devices like MacBooks and iPhones, Safari integrates seamlessly with those operating systems. And, according to Apple’s tests — which it has published on its website — Safari handily beat the other top browsers in speed.

Microsoft Edge

Internet Explorer is extinct. Out with the old and in with the new… and Edge is certainly quite new. The latest browser from Microsoft is an ideal candidate for businesses that already use the Microsoft suite of programs, such as Office 365 and its assorted desktop applications. 

If you already use a Windows OS and Microsoft apps, Edge should be a top candidate for preferred browsers due to its seamless integration with its parent company’s other products. Even so, Edge can also run on Mac’s OS, so you aren’t out of the running if you’re using Apple devices.

In addition to that versatility, Edge is just plain good. It’s fast and it’s backed by Microsoft’s excellent security features, like password monitor and tracking prevention.

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Mozilla Firefox

Firefox is somewhat unique among the major options because it doesn’t have an absolute behemoth of a company to back it up. Despite its smaller roots, Firefox has remained a popular browser for years. It’s compatible on Windows and Mac operating systems, and that flexibility makes it appealing and worthwhile for just about any business running on almost any hardware.

While Firefox may not quite have the speed of the other guys, it still isn’t exactly sloth-like in nature. It also has received applause from third parties for its customization options and its privacy protection. Firefox itself advertises its ability to bat away thousands of trackers, including Facebook, which may make it more appealing to those with particularly sensitive data.

While it remains a decent browser overall, it’s not as cutting edge as it once was, and it may even be falling behind as the big corporations continue to build out their browsers for speed, usability and security.

Which Internet Browser is Best for Businesses?

There’s no one answer that can say “this browser is best for this company.” It all depends on the hardware used, the size of the business, the company’s objectives, the security required and other factors. Still, we can hazard a few suggestions. 

If your business is full of creatives running on MacBooks, Safari or Chrome will likely be your best bets. Apple and Google are massive, and they have the resources to offer security. Plus, Safari was tailor-made for Apple devices, so you may feel right at home on a MacBook.

On the other hand, if you’re an enterprise running on Windows and your employees are working with Office products, Edge or Chrome will be your best options. Or, if you’re using Google Workspace applications, such as Google Docs or Google Sheets, Chrome may be a better way to keep everything that much more integrated. However, those products will still work in other browsers.

Secure Browsing

While speed and user experience may be the more obvious aspects of a browser to appreciate, security is really what you want to focus on, especially if you work with virtual mountains of sensitive data. Whichever browser you choose, make sure its security is airtight. Cyberattacks aren’t going away — and are very costly.

We also recommend using Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) if you have remote workers. Working from home has put more companies at risk since employees are logging onto a less secure WI-Fi network at home. Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) in particular is a great option. It meshes well with Elevity’s own 4S approach to technology management: Strategy, Security, Solutions and Support.

Click the link below to start accessing your free copy of our eBook, A Transformation in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), to learn more.

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